
What pop does a mento explode in best?

What pop does a mento explode in best?
  1. What is the best soda to explode with Mentos?
  2. What will Mentos explode in?
  3. What makes the biggest explosion with Mentos?
  4. Can you use any soda with Mentos?
  5. Does Sprite and Mentos explode?
  6. What can you put in Coke to make it explode?
  7. What else besides Mentos makes Coke explode?
  8. What to mix with Coke to make it explode?
  9. Does baking soda explode Coke?
  10. How do you make the best Mentos and Coke volcano?
  11. What happens if you chug Coke and swallow Mentos?
  12. Will fruit Mentos work with Coke?

What is the best soda to explode with Mentos?

Believe it or not, research scientists have actually concluded that Diet Coke produces the best stream of flying soda (much to the joy of the Mentos Experiment enthusiasts).

What will Mentos explode in?

A Mentos dropped into a bottle of soda acts as a surfactant, meaning it reduces the surface tension of the soda. Water molecules are polar and attracted to each other. Anything that breaks them apart allows for bubbles of carbon dioxide gas to form in the solution.

What makes the biggest explosion with Mentos?

The results showed that Diet Coke created the most spectacular explosions with either fruit or mint Mentos, the fountains travelling a horizontal distance of up to 7 metres.

Can you use any soda with Mentos?

Any Carbonated Beverage Works

The trick works with any carbonated beverage. It works with regular cola, orange soda, root beer, etc. It's actually very cool when performed with tonic water under a black light because you get a glowing blue fountain. However, you can use seltzer water (very easy cleanup) or any soda.

Does Sprite and Mentos explode?

The bumps and cavities on the surface of a Mentos candy increase the surface area that comes in contact with the soda. ... Coupled with the ingredients in the candy, this physical property makes Mentos an explosive addition to a bottle of soda.

What can you put in Coke to make it explode?

To create bubbles, the carbon dioxide needs to interact with itself, which means that the carbon dioxide's bonds with water in the Diet Coke must be broken. A Mentos candy can help with this.

What else besides Mentos makes Coke explode?

If I test Mentos, Wintergreen Lifesavers, Icebreakers Frost Mints, and Pop Rocks to make Diet Coke explode, then Pop Rocks will make the biggest Diet Coke explosion.

What to mix with Coke to make it explode?

Transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one by combining Diet Coke and Mentos to create a spectacular soda fountain. Kids love watching (and doing) this fun, easy chemical reaction that combines two delicious ingredients to create a geyser of carbon dioxide bubbles.

Does baking soda explode Coke?

The carbonate in the baking soda reacts with the hydrogen in Coca-Cola to create hydrogen carbonate. This then very quickly breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. It is this carbon dioxide that causes the explosion.

How do you make the best Mentos and Coke volcano?

Place the index card and candies over the mouth of the bottle. Make sure the candies are in line with the mouth of the bottle. You want the candies going in the bottle and not falling over the side. Now remove the index card and let candies fall in and step away from the Mentos and coke volcano.

What happens if you chug Coke and swallow Mentos?

This is an urban myth. It's true that putting Mentos into a bottle of Coke will cause an impressive geyser of soda to erupt from the bottle. However, you won't get the same effect from eating Mentos after drinking Coke. ... But the rough coating of the candy begins to dissolve the moment you eat it.

Will fruit Mentos work with Coke?

The mint Mentos mixed with diet coke usually explodes the longer and higher while fruit Mentos has a more delayed and less impressive reaction. This is because fruity Mentos have an extra coating of flavor which slows down the reaction time.

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