
What kind of possessions show status in your country?

What kind of possessions show status in your country?

Q. What kind of possessions show status in your country? Answer: Well, in my country a big house in a posh area, expensive and latest cars, the latest electronic gadgets, expensive furniture at home and similar earthy ownership are often considered to be the possessions of high status.

  1. What possessions Show status in your country?
  2. What is the most important thing that shows your country's characteristic features?
  3. Is family important in your country answer?

What possessions Show status in your country?

So basically, money, large houses, cultivable lands, gold and jewellery, social status and political power were the possessions and positions people considered as symbols of status in the past.

What is the most important thing that shows your country's characteristic features?

The political, financial and social aspects of a society are certainly important. But one cannot ignore the other important facets namely tradition, history and culture. Most major cities are cosmopolitan in nature, that is, they have people of different societies living together.

Is family important in your country answer?

1: Is family important in your country? Answer: Thank you for this question. Well, people in my country believe that family comes first and they put their family ahead of anything else. They would do anything for the family and I am proud that family bonding in my country is quite strong.

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